Saturday, May 23, 2009

The 100 questions quiz.

THE 100 QUESTIONNS - tagged by the Zhiting
01. Real name - Lim Zhi Qing.
02. Nickname(s)- SOTONG :\
03. Star sign - Sagitarius
04. Male or female - Female.
05. Elementary - Secondary {:
06. Middle School - North Spring Primary School.
07. High School - Pei Hwa Secondary School
08. Hair color - BLACK !
09. Long or short hair- Long
10. Loud or Quiet - Quiet ^^
11. Sweats or Jeans - Jeans
12. Phone or Camera - Phone.
13. Fruits or fried foods- Fruits
14. Drink or Smoke? - Drinks :D
15. Do you have a crush on someone?- No.
16. Eat or Drink - Both.
17. Piercings - Might try [:
18. Tattoos - Who knows ?
19. Been in an airplane - Yes.
20. Been in a relationship - Yes.
21. Been in a car accident - No.
22. Been in a first fight - No.
23. First piercing - 3 years old {:
24. First best friend - Kelly. N
25. First award - SYF for ballet.
26. First crush - I dk ?
27. First fashion sense - Eh ?
28. First vacation - Malaysia?
29. Last person you talked to - Zhenlin
30. Last person you texted - Raymond
31. Last person(s) you watched a movie with - Yvonne & Alicia
32. Last food you ate - Nachos
33. Last movie you watched - Love matters
34. Last song you listened to - Kiss me through the phone
35. Last thing you bought - Apple pie
36. Last person you hugged- Ryes.
37. Food - Shrimp ^^
38. Drinks - Green Tea :D
39. Clothing - Clothes that are nice looking
40. Books - Twilight & Chinese Cinderella
41. Musics - Music from Secondhand Serenade, All American Rejects..
42. Flower - Rose {:
43. Colours - Pink, white, black & grey.
44. Movies - Twilight..
45. Positions - Huh ?
47. [ ] Kissed in the snow( Singapore snows?)
48. [ ] celebrated Halloween
49. [x] had your heart broken
50. [x] went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation
52. [x] came out of the closet
53. [ ] gotten pregnant(nonsense.)
54. [ ] had an abortion (i didn't even get pregnant)
55. [x] done something you've regretted
56. [x] broke a promise
57. [x] hid a secret
58. [x] pretended to be happy
59. [x ] met someone who changed your life
60. [ ] pretended to be sick
61. [x] left the country
62. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
63. [x] cried over the silliest thing
64. [] ran a mile
65. [x]went to the beach with your best friend(s)
66. [ ] stayed single the whole year { Nearly }
67. Eating - Yes
68. Drinking - Yes
69. I'm about to - go crazy !
70. Listening to - Sister's rant
71. Plans for today - No. I waste my whole morning sleeping.
72. Waiting for - YOU.
73. Want kids? - A baby which don't grow. Lmao.
74. Want to get married? Ya ?
75. Careers in mind - YES
76. Lips or eyes - Eyes
77. Shorter or taller? - Taller !
78. Romantic or spontaneous - Romantic
79. Nice stomach or nice arms - I dk ~_~
80. Sensitive or loud - Huh ?
81. Hook-up or relationship - Relationship
82. Trouble-maker or hesitant - Hesitant
83. Lost glasses/contacts → Contacts.
84. Ran away from home → No.
85. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No.
86. Killed somebody → No ? ._.
87. Broken someone's heart → Maybe?
88. Been arrested → No.
89. Cried when someone died → I dk :X
90. Yourself - Ya, sometimes.
91. Miracles - Yes.
92. Love at first sight - Maybe.
93. Heaven - Yes.
94. Santa Claus - Maybe.
95. Sex on the first date - No.
96. Kiss on the first date - Can't remember.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? - Yes.
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? - No.
99. Do you believe in God - Yes.
100. This is the 100th and last question - Ya.
Tag 10 people to do this quiz:
1. Yvonne
2. Alicia
3. Michaela
4. Laraine
5. Chewming
6. Jeanin
7. Geraldine
8. Tingting
9. Ee Hon
10. Hy


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